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What's going on in the world of Data Science

Data Scientists, Statisticians and Analysts
Data Scientists, Statisticians and Analysts

When the “Data Scientist” monicker first entered the global vocabulary, one of the jokes at the time was: q).        What…

A first glimpse at IBM’s Watson Analytics
A first glimpse at IBM’s Watson Analytics

An Analytical Tool for the Business User. It isn’t a new idea … more a nut that many of us have been trying to crack for many years. Today, of course, this problem is more pressing than ever. There are more questions that can be answered with analytics, more data to analyse and fewer trained analysts to go round. And, as IBM rightly point out, analysts (and other data specialists) can be a bottleneck in the process.

Are you ready to deploy
Are you ready to deploy

If you’ve been watching what’s happening in Advanced Analytics recently then (apart from Big Data which we’ll come back to) Deployment, Automation and Decisions are 3 of the hot topics at the moment.

The start of the cloud race
The start of the cloud race

Arguably the hottest topic in computing at the moment is around the notion of Cloud Computing which typically involves the availability of Software as a Service (SaaS).

Like many “new” IT related concepts it has largely been around for a while in different forms – applications have been hosted on the Internet for some time and the idea of Analytical Service Providers (ASPs) was around in the early 2000s – but recently the ideas have crystallised into the idea of “The Cloud” as the platform.