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About You

Whoever you are we always welcome a discussion

How can we help?

If you are looking for analytical assistance, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

These are our thoughts based on our collective experiences but by no means exhaustive. Whoever you are we always welcome a discussion. And we’ll be candid enough to tell you if we can’t help.

You could be a

Public Organisation or Private Company

With a problem that could benefit from analytical expertise, delivered as a project or to augment your team.

At Analytical People, we offer a software-agnostic approach to help you decide which software best addresses your organisation’s objectives.

Professional Services Firm

Who needs some specific analytical or data expertise on a project? Or perhaps you’re just looking for some on-demand assistance.

Or maybe a

Technology Vendor

Who is simply looking to add some general or specific analytical functionality to your tools or apps?

We offer expertise in a number of analytical software tools including SPSS Modeler, SPSS Statistics, SAS, R, Python, Apache Spark and Databricks.


Data Science Candidates

Looking for a new opportunity.  We have experience of worldwide analytical and data recruitment, across all levels and sectors.

That could be a permanent role or something more flexible that fits in with your lifestyle.